What do you call a beast, who, with single swift swipe could destroy social lives of the millions instantly and simultaneously. Who could devour millions of so called "useful" and "valuable" hours of mankind without a belch and nobody ever noticed it. For me that beast is called Bethesda, a degital entertainment media development company residing at, ofcourse, Bethesda in US of A. And it's latest weapon in this mass social life deatruction is called, mighty and the magnum opus, Skyrim.
I'm in no position or Its never my intention to present review of Skyrim here through this article. Its just the way to show my homage-cum-love towards open world games like Skyrim. There are lot other RPGs out there but why I specifically choose Skyrim is that it gives you so much content and sandbox gameplay that your lack of imagination only can restrict you to enjoy and play as you like. I was never into fantacy setting or RPG untill I came in "radiative" touch of Fallout 3 (also by Bethesda). Its post apocalyptic backdrop attracted me so much that I couldn't resist myself to give it a try (my first full fledged RPG). I still remember my first moments of introduction to absolutely open wasteland of Washignton DC. I litteraly run around in crazy manner around vault 101 for about 15 minutes in all directions to testify that there is no invisible wall out there, that I can go anywhere I like where my eyes can see, that this game is something different than norms.
Even though Bethesda games are riddled with bugs and glitches in all the weirdness, dedicated RPG fans have taken up it as one more quest to solve for unimaginable "quest reward" of open world choose-as-you-like immersive gameplay.
Skyrim may not have as big map to play on as Oblivion or Morrowind, but its just fill to the brim with lots and lots of contents as well as quests. Sometimes it ceases to be the game, converting itself to that unforgettable experience which you will remember as mementos. Skyrim gives each player the freedom of forging their own adventure and foraging to their will. The best part of Skyrim is this urge to share your own story, quests, weird bugs, encounters, findings, mystery, inventory to all. And that specific urge itself proppeled me to go for blog on Skyrim defining my own experiences with the game.
I intended to write some good parts about my own Skyrim adventure, but may be in other blogs or diaries.
There is still lot to talk about such as Armors, Bards, Conjuration, Dragons, Elves, Frost, Gears, Headless horserider, Inventory, Jarls, Kills, Loots, Mountains, Nordic environment, Open world, Potions, Quests, Rings, Spelles, Tombs, Undead, Vegetation, Wabbajack, Xperience points, Yngol, Zombies, like a to z, alpha to omega. But it will be next time........till than fus-ra-doh...............
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Structures are so massive and impressive |
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Beautiful Aurora Coriolis |
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Skyrim is all about breathtaking beauty |
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