......... and protagonist give a turn to it's totem to believe the truth but distracted by the sight of his children, he just goes to meet them after long exile. Camera continuously pan to the twisting top, concentrating on it's unaltered motion. Meanwhile mass of audience hold their breath to conceive on the result of the spinning top. After precious few seconds top faltered once or twice to relieve the audience from their dilemma ........ and it gains the momentum again. After that credits starts to roll ending the 2 hour journey in to dreamland...........
Last credit roll acted as a kick to pull me out of my trance. It's Inception.Movie had done something with my mind on some subconscious level that after leaving the movie hall, got auto, and we- me and my partner ( no , not GF ) - reached to our room , we just discussed about the story, logic, presentation, and lot other pertaining to the movie - Inception. There are varied reviews and suggestions about this new Nolan's venture : some say it confusing, some say it brilliant,some believe that it's illogical. I don't want to review the movie here, whatever it is, but thing is Inception has started a trend which nobody has given thought to. It allows people to apply their mind and logic with movie-watching. There were other movies like this say matrix, Nolan's memento,but their underlying allegory and meanings are related to few moviegoers who desperately follows these movies. Inception brought this idea to mass general people. Never mind lots of people still struggle to understand the movie, but the fact is Nolan's movies never required to be reasoned and understood in first go.
I read somewhere that if you want to enjoy unique and different art form , you should learn to appreciate unique and different art whenever it comes out.This applies to all whether it's paintings, games, books, or movies. Even if we don't want to ignore the logical loopholes or structure there are various points which will make Inception a masterpiece in terms of movie making.
Point 1 : Tight script and storytelling : Nolan is master storyteller , seriously he never allows audience to settle down once his movie gets started. He knows how to unfold the story to put the audience in the same state as movie protagonist ( remember memento's backward/forward slice story telling ). Inception also has same effect on it's watching audience. Movie is about dream.It says during dream stat you will feel it to be true and real , however illogical or strange it is. During watching movie , I always feel to be gripping and interesting . After the end of the movie only I just give a thought on it's logical structure , same as dream. ( If you also feel the same then movie had already succeeded to awe you and to mesmerize you ).
Point 2 : Characterization : Inception has so good character importance that you keep out the working of one character and entire movie collapsed without it. Nolan has always come up with variety of characters through his movie run as a director. Weather it's tormenting psyche of the Dark Knight , totally unpredictable but horrifyingly insane psychopath Joker, or flawed genius dom cobb of inception , each character is picked from great depth of the mind.
Point 3: Supersonic Pace : Pace is the most important aspect of any thriller movie and Inception is like roller coaster ride.
There are other points also which makes movie a must watch such as superb cinematography, class background score, brilliant acting, grand special effect, edge of the seat action sequences and lot more.
I rate it as masterpiece, may be flawed one but masterpiece and a template of movie making.
Want to know more : http://makingthemovie.info/2010/07/inception-explained-spoilers.html